Astronomy Open Night 2024

Keynote lecture

Big Science with Big Telescopes

Astronomers have constructed telescopes to observe celestial objects across our vast Universe over many centuries, and as technology advanced, they have built larger and larger telescopes to search deeper and further. Today, telescopes and their accompanying instruments are so large and complex they require decades of work and huge financial commitments. In this Keynote, Distinguished Professor Jon Lawrence will outline the next generation of ‘extremely large telescopes,’ describing key technologies needed for these facilities, and explain the crucial role played by AAO at Macquarie University in this field.

Distinguished Professor Jon Lawrence

Jon Lawrence is a Distinguished Professor and Head of Instrumentation at AAO-Macquarie. He leads a large team of scientists, managers, engineers, and technicians working on an array of instrument projects for the world’s premier telescopes. These projects combine multiple disciplines in mechanical, optical, electronics, and software engineering with photonics and optical physics, to create leading-edge technologies to capture and analyse light from astronomical sources.

Session Time:
7.30pm - 8.30pm

Mason Theatre
12 Wally's Walk

Wallumattagal campus

Balaclava Road
Macquarie University NSW 2109

City campus

Angel Place
Level 24, 123 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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Macquarie University is located on the land of the Wallumattagal clan of the Dharug people. We pay respects to the Elders and knowledge holders who have, and continue to share their wisdom and knowledges, nurturing and sustaining our environments, cultures and education.

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